bad harvest 意味

発音を聞く:   bad harvestの例文
  • bad harvest



もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. in 2006 , the grapes in the piedmont region have been the cold weather is so bad harvest
    2006年は ピエモンテ地方は冷害でブドウは不作だったはずなので
  2. additionally , an uprising requesting that the lord of the manor reduce or decree an exemption from the nengu due to a bad harvest took place .
  3. it is a shinto ritual to tell a fortune about a good or bad harvest for the year , and shinto priests of judge the fortune by the results of a target shot by azusayumi (a bow made of japanese cherry birch ).
  4. once upon a time , when emperor nintoku went up to the tower of his palace on new year ' s day , he noticed that there was no smoke rising up from the kitchen chimneys of houses because of shortage of foods due to a bad harvest .
  5. on march 14 , 1870 , it was announced to the citizens of kyoto that the emperor ' s return to kyoto would be delayed citing the suppression of tohoku which had not been taken over yet , bad harvest , and the lack of national funds .


        bad harvest year:    裏年{うらどし}
        gather a bad harvest:    不作{ふさく}である、作が悪い
        have a bad harvest:    不作{ふさく}である、作が悪い
        reap a bad harvest:    不作{ふさく}である、作が悪い
        year of bad harvest:    凶年{きょうねん}
        a harvest:    a harvest 作 さく
        harvest:     1harvest n. 収穫; 穀物; 報い, 成果. 【動詞+】 A bumper harvest is anticipated in Ireland this year. アイルランドでは今年は大豊作の見込みである The crop bore a plentiful harvest. 豊作であった A government campaign was l
        the harvest:    the harvest 収穫物 しゅうかくぶつ
        to harvest:    to harvest 刈る かる 取る とる 刈り入れる かりいれる 取り入れる とりいれる 刈り取る かりとる
        bad:     1bad n. 悪いこと, 悪い状態. 【前置詞+】 His business is going from bad to worse. 彼の商売はますます苦しくなってきた I'm in bad with the boss. 《米口語》 上役ににらまれている She's gradually going to the bad. She'll end up in
        bad at:    《be ~》~が下手である
        bad for:    《be ~》毒になる
        bad in:    《be ~》~は駄目{だめ}だ
        in bad:    嫌われて、苦しんで I am in bad with my boss. 私は上司に嫌われている。
        in bad with:    《be ~》~とうまくいっていない


  1. "bad habit of smoking" 意味
  2. "bad habits" 意味
  3. "bad hair day" 意味
  4. "bad halfpenny" 意味
  5. "bad hangover" 意味
  6. "bad harvest year" 意味
  7. "bad hat" 意味
  8. "bad headache" 意味
  9. "bad health" 意味
  10. "bad halfpenny" 意味
  11. "bad hangover" 意味
  12. "bad harvest year" 意味
  13. "bad hat" 意味

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